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At the very beginning, in the test centre your examiner will check your driving licence, photographic evidence if required and theory test certificate. Ask you to sign a insurance and residency declaration to the effect that the vehicle being used is insured for the purpose. You will be asked if you wish to have your instructor / supervisor with you on the test. You will be asked to lead the way to your vehicle and the examiner will follow, out side the examiner will test your eyesight.

You will be expected to know how to carry out checks relating to :- Tyres, Brakes, Fluids, Lights, Reflectors, Direction Indicators, Heaters, Washers and Wipers, Head Restraints and Horn. The Examiner will ask you one of each of the following:- To EXPLAIN how you would carry out certain safety checks. To DEMONSTRATE how you would carry out certain safety checks. You will be asked 2 questions, a tell me question at the start, and a show me question on the move.

Once inside your vehicle you should ensure you carry out the cockpit drill, you should not leave these checks until after you have started the engine. Your examiner will give you a brief and ask you to go ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise or he/she ask you to turn which he/she will do so in good time.

The test will last about 40 minutes (Extended test for persons convicted of serious offences will last approximately 70 minutes). Apart from general driving your test will include the following: - Your examiner will ask you to pull up, explain and then you carry out reverse parking on the road. On the move you may be asked to drive into and reverse out of a parking bay. You may be asked to pull up on the opposite side of the road, reverse two to three car lengths, and then move off safely. You may be asked to reverse into a parking bay at the test centre at the beginning or at the end of your test. You will also carry out a 20 minute sat-nav or independent drive. You may also be asked to carry out an emergency stop exercise.


There are two maneouvres that may be used - turn in the road and reverse round a corner (if you made a wrong turn but these maneouvres will not count as a set exercise).

Your examiner will want you to drive safety and competently in various roads and traffic conditions. You will be, given directions clearly and in good time and asked to carry out set exercises. You should drive the way you have been taught by your driving instructor. Should you make a mistake, don't worry, keep calm and concentrate on your driving. If at any time during your test your examiner considers you to be a danger to other road user your test won't continue.

Who can be present during your test: - Your driving Instructor, A senior officer from the DVSA (The senior officer won't be examining you, but making sure the examiner is testing you properly).

On completion of the test, your examiner will inform you whether you have passed or failed your driving test. Your examiner will have assessed any errors you have made and, depending on their degree of seriousness, record them on your Driving Test Report form (DL25). You will fail your test if you commit a serious or dangerous fault. You will also fail if you commit more than a fixed number of driving faults (previously known as minor faults).

During this debrief, the examiner will give you a few pointers on eco-safe driving, and will take your drive into account and suggest areas in which you may need to improve. Eco-safe driving includes correct use of the controls when starting and moving off, use of accelerator, gears and brakes, and appropriate use of speed. This comes under the header CONTROL. Hazard awareness and planning, engine braking, and stopping the engine in prolonged waits in traffic comes under the heading PLANNING. 

The criteria the examiner will use are\as follows: -

Driving fault - less serious, but has been assessed as such because of circumstances at that particular time. An accumulation of driving faults may result in a fail.

Serious fault - recorded when a potentially dangerous incident has occurred or a habitual driving fault indicates weakness in a candidate's driving.

Dangerous fault - recorded when a fault is assessed as having caused actual danger during the test.

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